Anthony Pisani


My limited research to date has involved constructing the maximal subgroups of the Monster sporadic simple group using Martin Seysen's revolutionary Python package mmgroup. For a semester-long research project, supervised by Dr. Tomasz Popiel, I constructed the 2-local maximal subgroups and four small non-local subgroups for which the class fusions to the Monster were not known, allowing these fusions to be found and added to the GAP Character Table Library. The construction of the odd-local and remaining non-local maximal subgroups forms the topic of my Honours project, supervised by Dr. Melissa Lee and Prof. Heiko Dietrich (thesis to come).

My Erdős number is 4. The following path provides an upper bound; for a lower bound, observe neither my collaborator nor I have ever worked with Erdős or any of his collaborators.

A. Pisani – T. Popiel – C.E. Praeger – P.J. Cameron – P. Erdős

Journal Publications and Preprints

  1. Conjugacy class fusion from four maximal subgroups of the Monster
    (with T. Popiel)
    Journal of Computational Algebra 11 (2024) 100021.
    arXiv: 2404.051194DOI: 10.1016/j.jaca.2024.100021Associated Python Code